
Monday, October 15, 2012

The Beautiful Sword

My apologies for not posting in awhile – trust me, there have been many times where I had something I wanted to share, but I just never got around to posting it. Sometimes I forget how crazy, chaotic, and stressful the month of October can be. And in the midst of trying times during the commencement of my favorite season, I am reminded of the Lord’s goodness, especially through the small things. This past weekend I spent a marvelous four days with wonderful people. It was a weekend of laughs and delicious pizza and good theatre, and it was awesome.

And then this afternoon I spent another lovely time of fellowship with my girl Mele, who I’ve mentioned about before. Over some chai tea and hot chocolate, we shared a time of confession and of encouragement, which we both really needed. To preserve confidentiality, I won’t give details, but Mele and I discussed spiritual testing, and how hard it can be. I think a lot of people believe that “hard times” solely come from your circumstances, but I know for a fact that hard times also come from internal, emotional stress and conviction. Mele and I encouraged each other with some of the following verses (the first one being the verse that sort of brought up the conversation):
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
-Psalm 139:23-24
This was the verse that brought up the conversation. It’s a great passage, and one I think as Christians we should continually pray for. So often we pray for things we need and want, but what we really need is for God to conform us to the image of His Son, and with that comes humility and conviction. But when we pray this prayer, and ask for the Lord to test us so that we might be stronger in our faith, we have to remember that God will bring that testing, and it won’t be easy.
Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
-Romans 8:1
I love this verse, because it’s so hopeful and encouraging. When you are a child of God, the Lord brings you conviction, not condemnation. It’s a wonderful thought. When we feel guilty for doing something wrong, the Holy Spirit convicts us, not condemn us. We don’t need to continually beat ourselves up over our mistakes when the Lord has already forgiven them. We can learn from our mistakes, and move on. That is the beauty of the Lord’s forgiveness and conviction.
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
-Hebrews 4:12
This last verse was sort of the finale of our conversation. When you first read this verse, it sounds pretty painful. This is not a blunt, weak, wimpy sword we’re talking about, here. This thing is intense. God’s Gospel is not this light and fluffy Sunday school story. Yes, while it is a beautiful and hopeful message, to many it is also harsh and offensive. And that is why God’s Word is so awesome. It tells you like it is. It encourages you. It breaks you. It breaks you to the point where you are on your knees, in the most humble position you can be in. God’s sword is painful, bringing conviction that we (most of the time) don’t want to hear. But it is also a beautiful sword, because while it brings powerful and painful conviction, God is using the “double-edged” sword to carve us into the man/woman He wants us to be. When we go through internal struggles, God is slowly but surely etching His name upon our hearts. That is a glorious thing. And while it temporarily sucks to be convicted of your complaining attitude, your hateful thoughts, or your insincere actions, even when you feel you have noble intentions – in the end, God is using it for your good (Rom. 8:28) and His fame, so that by the time we are met with Him in glory, our hearts will be carved into something that looks similar to His.
I think pictures of sunsets/sunrises are just gonna be my new thing for this blog.
Now every time I see one, I can't help but thinking of how awesome God is.


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