I’ve decided that in celebration of it being Thanksgiving Break, every day I’m going to write somethng/ someone I’m thankful for. Call it cliché, but I figure that there’s nothing wrong with reminding yourself of all the things the Lord has blessed you with.
First things first – I’m above and beyond grateful for Jesus Christ and the price He paid on the cross. Words can’t do it justice. Even as I’m writing this, I’m realizing that nothing I could say would sound grateful enough for all that God has done for me…but I’ll try my best.
My youth pastor has been doing a series on Wednesday nights called “God Unboxed”, and in that series I have been reminded of so many things I’m grateful for about God. Here are some of those things:
is untamable: He is fierce and
is unrelenting
offers unrelenting hope
offers unrelenting faithfulness
holds us with an unrelenting grip
is unconditional, especially in His
love for us
is seriously just so…awesome. I feel like the more I try to describe Him the
more I just sound dumb J
I’ll let His Word do the rest of the talking (here’s a gem I found in Isaiah
that makes me so grateful to have a relationship with the Lord):
Lord rejoices…over me?! Over you! It’s crazy. God’s children are in His hands,
and He delights in them, with an unconditional, unwavering, everlasting love.
you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were
baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew
nor Greek, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs
according to promise. –Galatians 3:26-29
Oh Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the new mercies you grant us
every morning. My brain can’t even fathom how awesome you are. I pray this blog
would continue to be used as a tool to reflect Your majesty and power. This
blog is worth nothing if You aren’t behind it, so I pray you would use the Holy
Spirit to intercede for me. Thank you for Your countless blessings, including
the body of believers of which You have surrounded me. Thank You for Your
comfort and assurance but also for Your conviction and Your discipline – You know
how much I desperately need it. And thank You for just being who You are, and
for Your faithfulness.
In Your precious Son’s name,
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